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Posted by : Εικονικός μεταναστης
28 Δεκ 2013
Σόρρυ αλλά βία είναι να κοιμάσαι σκεπασμένος με χαρτόκουτα οταν ρίχνει χιονόνερο,όλα τα υπόλοιπα είναι προβληματισμοί στοκων
— Stefanos (@Stefanossp) December 10, 2013
Βία είναι να έχεις τζάκι στο Πέραμα, οταν ο άλλος δεν μπορεί να ζεστάνει την πισίνα του στην Εκάλη.
— ΑυγερινόςΧατζηχρυσός (@avgerinosx) December 26, 2013
Βια ειναι οι θειές που εχουν ορεξη για συζητηση.
— σόκο-σόκο (@soko_soko_) December 22, 2013
Βια ειναι το μαλακισμενο διπλα σου στο λεωφορειο, να ακουει τερμα Σταν.
— Δήμητρααα (@Dimitra_D_) December 11, 2013
Εγω τώρα που θέλω να γράψω ένα ρομαντικό τουι πρέπει ντε και καλά να γράψω κάτι για τα Χριστούγεννα; Άν αυτό δεν είναι βια τότε ποιο είναι;
— Μητσάκος (@mitsakosio) December 24, 2013
Για όσες στηρίζουν τη ζωή τους στους κώλους τους υπενθυμίζω πως οι κωλοι κρατάνε συνήθως μέχρι τα 35, άντε με βια μέχρι 40. Μετά κυτταρίτιδα
— Shawn (@NonServiamVIII) October 10, 2013
Βία ειναι να σου αποκαλύπτουν τη μιση αλήθεια και να πρέπει να ανακαλύψεις οτι υπαρχει και υπόλοιπη
— b4i4get (@La_LeChuck) November 13, 2013
Βια ειναι το καρυδι στο μελομακαρονο.
Σα να κοβεις τον οργασμο για να βγαλεις μια τσιμπλα απο το ματι.
— Miℓou (@xletsa) December 25, 2013
Βια ειναι να ξυπνας και να μην υπαρχει διπλα σου ετοιμος καφες και μια αγκαλια.
— Το τζινι σας! (@tzoooo) March 24, 2013
καταδικαζω τη βια οσο δεν ερχεται
— Corto Maltese (@Crt_Mlts) December 26, 2013
Lost Bodies - Ιλισός
Music, Lyrics & Video by Lost Bodies
Bollocks, if the river is called Ilisos.
What mattered was that it was the only place I could creep into to get away
from the cops. I got into from the entrance at the area of Kallithea and started running in the concrete roofed river, until running into absolute darkness, without seeing completely anything behind me, absolutely nothing ahead of me, and I found
myself facing down in the murky water of the sewer the industrial waste;
my tongue dived into rat piss.
Suddenly, stress and anxiety left and I was left to sink calmly and
absurdly with the color of water all around me, lighting into blue, purple, light blue,
alternating with a storm of light that created volume, depth and curtains of
light, like a tropical storm. Then I realized that I was moving with great ease,
just by moving my lame leg.
In spite of all these, I was slipping into it beautifully.
From afar I could see everything, but up-close everything was blurry and
out of focus. I tried to join my hands, forming glasses to see better. Slowly I began to
distinguish the seams of her shirt, travelling her body like a dry-wall.
She turned and flashed me a caress with the back of her hand, so I turned my
gaze and I knew that everyone there was in a world different from the one we
There, there was no anxiety about anything.
People are not divided into tribes, rich, or poor, everyone could feel, everyone were happy, nobody possessed anything, nobody wanted, because they had.
I saw all the rare cds that I was looking for ahead of me, but I didn't feel the
need to get not even one of them. All around there were exceptional paintings that were continually changing, depending on which way you saw them. When you were hungry, all you had to do was to look right and left, where there were tables with mountains of cannelloni with meat and sauce, wrapped souvlakia of three different
kinds. A stuffed one with spicy crispy gyro, one with pancetta, and the third
didn't exist, it was just the third. Further down there were trays with
pudding made of grape, covered with lots of cinnamon and a finger-thick topping of
nuts on top. The age was this, or it simply wasn't. There...there was no need
for scalpels ready to attack wrinkles. Οver there, there was no need
for scalpels ready to attack wrinkles.
Everything was true and everything was a lie.
While looking through large pieces of amber you could recognize loved
ones who were ready to start a discussion with you.
And the music, moved there from one to another with a touch and a glance.
And that was the only thing I brought back with me. Music. So that you can believe me
and to see for yourselves the magic and completeness they experienced there.
Of course, so as to believe me.